
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

SAPS HQ leaves Elukwatini police in the lurch

SAPS HQ leaves Elukwatini police in the lurch

Stock theft in the Elukwatini SAPS Cluster for the period 1/10/2014 to 31/12/2014 showed an increase of 140% compared to the same period in the previous year, and the local police are struggling to solve the cases.

Only two (2) of the 36 cases reported in this time has been solved, leaving the unit with a shocking case solving rate of 6%.

These figures became apparent in the monthly sector 2 report back meeting on 15/1/2015. The meeting was aimed at affording the community an opportunity to raisetheir concerns with provincial SAPS representatives, but the provincial head-quarters of the SAPS notified the sector members of their unavailability a mere 10 minutes before the meeting was scheduled to start.

The report showed that the Stock Theft Unit of the Elukwatini cluster has an area of 958km2 to serve. To their disposal they have three (3) vehicles and (5) members. Sector 2 in this cluster includes the farming sector of Carolina. This sector has one (1) vehicle and one (1) member to serve the whole area.

The meeting expressed serious concern with the fact that the provincial SAPS office does not support the local police service. Farmers voiced anxiety with the fact that local police are completely understaffed, underequipped and overworked. While expressing support and appreciation to the local Colonel and Commander, the lack of support from the provincial SAPS head office, was leaving the cluster in the lurch.

For many years the DA has called for the establishment of specialised rural safety units, adequately resources and staffed aimed at ensuring the safety of residents in rural area. Crime in the agriculture sector will continue unabated if such safety units are not established. While Premier Mabuza, previously expressed his support to this initiative, the SAPS taken no steps to establish them.

The DA will continue our fight to have rural safety units established and will engage the provincial SAPS head office to provide greater support and resources to the Elukwatini SAPS cluster

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