
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Emakhazeni Boarding School remains a dream

Emakhazeni Boarding School remains a dream

The DA is shocked to learn that two weeks into the new school year; the eagerly awaited Emakhazeni Boarding School has yet to open its doors.

Last year, questions were put to the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, asking when the Emakhazeni Boarding School would open since it has been meant to open in 2014. In her reply, the Minister stated that the school would open in January 2015, "in line with the commencement of the academic year".

Mpumalanga schools opened on 14 January and to date no pupil has seen on the premises.  Learners who promised an education at the school have seemingly already missed out on 2 weeks of learning.

For this boarding school to become a reality, six schools had to closed down. This begs the question – where are the children of Allie Primary, Bloomplaas Primary; Nhupheko Primary; Ummeli Primary; Thembalethu Primary and Khayalethu Primary attending school?

Emakhazeni Boarding School built with the promise of being one of four fully functional boarding schools in the province that take care of children whose families live below the bread line. Sadly, it seems that the learners’ right to education ignored because of a failure by the provincial department of Public Works and the department of Education to work together.

During an oversight visit to the school, the DA learned that due to a dispute between the two departments, the key to the school only handed over on 10 January 2015. While there were a few staff members at the school, the admin block was not up and running, furniture was just standing outside and all classes locked.

Sources at the school indicated that while they had active connections to electricity and water, the water pressure was very weak and could cause problems.

The school has also not yet finalised its admissions so it couldn’t even confirmed if the more than 750 learners that the school originally said it can cater for, will be accommodated.
Access to education is a constitutionally guaranteed right.

The departments must put an end to their dispute and ensure that the school opens its doors and that any missed learning caught up.

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