
Thursday, February 12, 2015

MTPA board snubs SCOPA enquiry

MTPA board snubs SCOPA enquiry

Members of the Select Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) have today expressed their disappointment with the lack of accountability, will to perform and soft approach that the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) has demonstrated.

None of the MTPA board members were present today as Acting CFO, Lindiwe Matibhe, delivered a report on how the agency had failed to implement any SCOPA resolutions dating as far back as 2009/2010.

SCOPA members unanimously agreed to send MPTA representatives back to the drawing board and to return with adequate answers and solutions for the problems that have been plaguing the entity for years.

Interestingly, all of MPTA’s senior managers are acting in their positions which could be one of the many reasons for their lack of accountability.

This is not a good start for the Acting MTPA CEO Sam Maluleka, who was only appointed a week ago following the controversial suspension of Jacques Modipane because of allegations linking him to the theft of the rhino horn stockpiles at the MTPA offices.

The DA has repeatedly expressed the fact that MTPA, along with the provincial Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDT), needs strong leadership in order to fulfil its mandate of marketing the province and conserving its biodiversity.

To achieve this, the DA firmly believes that all MTPA parks and lodges must be commercialised on a concessional basis. This would immediately convert these parks and lodges from being enormous liabilities to becoming revenue generating facilities. This would not only result in increased financial stability, but also job creation.

SCOPA has requested that when MTPA returns to submit its report, its board members must also be present.

MTPA has been tasked with the huge responsibility of being the custodian of our province’s natural heritage and should not allow internal matters to derail them from fulfilling their mandate.

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